Saturday, February 13, 2010

On the payroll....

On Thursday, we hitched the Haffie's to the cart and headed out to feed the cows! Nothing like on the job training! They did a very nice job. We had to go about a mile to the stack yard, so The Rancher let them trot out. He said he really likes the way they move.
So we hooked the hay bale feeder to the back of the cart like we did last year, and then the girls got an idea of what WORK really is! They actually did better than the big team at not flipping out with the weight of the initial pull. Here are the pictures of the event, which are NOT in the correct order... I can't seem to change it either. The second picture should be last. The second bale was very flat sidded, and possibly frozen to the ground or the bale beind it... Either way the girls pulled so hard they bent the double tree, thus ending their work for the day. We fed the bale with the pickup and I ground drove the girls back home. Other than the slight equipment problem, all went very well!


Rev T. said...

Gorgeous! Now waiting to see the big fella as a mount. Is he as smooth as he looks?

Melody said...

Wendi,'s been a month since you wrote last...